
Physician Disability Insurance

Money Meets Medicine Podcast

MMM #9: 5 Common Financial Mistakes Doctors Make and How To Fix It

Financial mistakes are a part of my origin story.  I went through bankruptcy as a kid, was hosed by a disability insurance agent in medical school, and forbeared on my student loans.  The truth is that there are a lot of common financial mistakes that doctors make.  It happens all the time.  Today’s Money Meets Medicine episode discusses 5 of the most common mistakes we make, and how to overcome them.

What You’ll Learn:

In today’s episode of Money Meets Medicine, “5 Common Financial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them” you can learn all these things and more:

  • How to avoid an “I can deal with it later” attitude
  • The truth about the financial industry and how to combat it
  • How to not go broke (even on a doctor’s salary)
  • When’s the right time to refinance your student loans
  • Outsourcing things to focus on priorities

Resources from the Episode:

Check out the resources mentioned in this episode:

This Episode’s Sponsor

refinance student loansThis episode’s sponsor is Earnest, a student loan refinancing company.  If you refinance through the link provided on this podcast, you will receive a $500 cashback bonus for doing so, and you will also be supporting the Money Meets Medicine podcast when you do that.  It is a win-win-win. You can find out more information by visiting earnest.com/moneymeetsmedicine.

Listener Question of the Week:

This week’s question is from Dr. Lin:

Tips or ideas on outsourcing and hiring help for families with dual demanding careers – as well as how to put a “value” on those expenses, given that they will extend the journey to financial independence – and would you consider these expenses a worthwhile lifestyle inflation given that the focus/time can be spent on the careers (and potential increasing income as a result)?

Each episode, we are going to start including listener questions as they are provided to us.  So, if you have a specific question you’d like answered on the podcast reach out to us!  Email [email protected] or [email protected]



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