
The ROAD: The Journey to becoming a Doc

When Should a Doctor Get Disability Insurance?

When Should a Doctor Get Disability Insurance?

I told him I needed life insurance. He said sure.  He told me I needed disability insurance.  I told him no (three times in fact).    He asked if I was healthy, and I mentioned a couple of medical problems for which I get treatment.  Eventually, though he sold me on the idea of going for it.  “What could it hurt to try….” It hurt a lot.

The Road To Burnout Helped Me Find My Purpose

The Road To Burnout Helped Me Find My Purpose

We all know the story. The happy and forward looking medical student entering their first year, and the end result of the burned out and depressed doctor at the end. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. How did we get here? This is why I write.

It’s Wrong for Doctors to Retire Early

It’s Wrong for Doctors to Retire Early

Today’s post strikes deep into the heart of the message on this site. Some people attack doctors who plan to achieve early financial independence and retire early. In fact, I’ve seen some people say that its wrong for doctors to retire early. Them is fighting words to me. Agree? Disagree? Come find out.

Why are Doctors Burning Out? And 3 Ways FI Can Save Them

Why are Doctors Burning Out? And 3 Ways FI Can Save Them

Burnout has been a problem looming over the practice of medicine. It has many causes. We will discuss some of those causes and how financial independence directly counteracts some of them. This post ties in exactly why I see wealth and wellness as one big picture.

REPAYE Versus PAYE for Two-Income Couples

REPAYE Versus PAYE for Two-Income Couples

REPAYE or PAYE? If you are married to someone else who earns an income, this can complicate which student loan program you should use to pay back your loans. If you are both paying back loans and making an income, it gets even more complicated! This post is here to help you figure it all out.

The Monthly Checkout:  March 2019

The Monthly Checkout: March 2019

It’s that time of the month again! Come check out some amazing posts that I’ve curated for you. From comprehensive guides to disability insurance to physician wellness topics, we cover a lot of ground. All in The Monthly Checkout for March!

Making a Personal Finance Curriculum

Making a Personal Finance Curriculum

Recently I felt a bit like the dog who finally caught the tire he was chasing. I’ve been tasked with making a personal finance curriculum for the senior MD, PA, and SRNA students at my medical school. Now, I need your help! Please, leave a comment and let me know what you think are “musts” to include!

Who is The Physician Philosopher?

Who is The Physician Philosopher?

I’ve been blogging for 15 months, and I guess it’s time I officially introduce myself… My name is Jimmy Turner, and it’s good to meet you! Tag along as we discuss the background, the big reveal, and the future direction of the blog.

Quarterly Net Worth Update: 18 Months Out From Training

Quarterly Net Worth Update: 18 Months Out From Training

Come check out the fifth installment of the quarterly net worth update. We are 18 months out from training, and have one MAJOR accomplishment to announce. Don’t miss out on examining how we have obtained our goals. Hopefully, this will help you obtain yours as well!

The Physician Philosopher Book: Get a Free Copy

The Physician Philosopher Book: Get a Free Copy

The Physician Philosopher Book publishes soon! Come find out how to snag a free copy. I want this book to be helpful for as many people as possible. So, share the details with your friends, too. Oh, and you won’t believe who is writing the foreword!

5 Misconceptions About Teaching Personal Finance

5 Misconceptions About Teaching Personal Finance

Teaching personal finance in training can be a touchy subject. While people mean well, they often bring with them misconceptions about teaching personal finance. These misconceptions prove problematic if we don’t respond…

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