It is not a sexy topic, but it is one of the most important (if not THE most important) topic in personal finance for doctors. Here are the top 10 questions about disability insurance for doctors, and an answer to each. Don’t skip this. It’s important, and that is coming from someone who screwed this up and cannot get disability insurance now.
Must-read articles to help you get your personal and financial life sorted out.
Life Planning: The three kinder questions
There is a reason we combine wealth and wellness on this site… they are intrinsically linked. Today’s post introduces a financial tool that helps people live a more fulfilling and intentional life: The Three Kinder Questions.
Refinancing Student Loans
Discover how to refinance and get up to $750 in your pocket!
Backdoor Roth IRA: A step-by-step guide at Vanguard
Performing your first backdoor Roth IRA can be confusing. It was for me, which is why I created this handy Backdoor Roth IRA guide.
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