Throughout the first thirty years of my existence I did not learn a thing about personal finance from just about anyone. Not my parents. Not my grandparents. Certainly not my medical school. I had to learn it on my own, which I found to be very frustrating. In fact, my journey started when I noticed a book (Boglehead’s Guide to Investing) sitting on my friend’s coffee table.
Month: November 2017
Five Steps to Building Wealth
As I started accumulating financial knowledge through reading books or visiting financial blogs aimed at high-income professionals, I started to learn that debt was something to be destroyed. It delays building wealth. I don’t want that to happen to you. So, keep reading to find out more about wealth and how to build it.
Choosing the right Medical Specialty
I always tell students I work with the following:Â You have to LOVE the good aspects about your chosen specialty and be able to PUT UP with the negative aspects. What do I mean by that?
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