If you aren’t automating your financial tasks, you are likely leaving money on the table. Learn 6 ways to pay yourself first, so that you can find efficient financial success.
Month: January 2020
Do You Define Wealth With Your Feelings or a Number?
How do you define wealth? Do you need to feel wealthy? Or do you know you’re wealthy when you’ve hit the right number? How you define wealth impacts your freedom!
California Dreamin’ – Private School or the Doctor House?
Have you ever thoughts about private schooling for the kids? Or living in a more expensive location? Is this your current situation? Here are a physician finance expert’s thoughts on that situation.
How to Be Better With Money: 5 Lessons from Sports
There is a lot we can learn from sports, even if you don’t like to play or watch. I dare you to not laugh while reading this post featuring quotes from Marshawn Lynch to Bobby Jones. These principles apply just as much to your personal finances as much as they do to sports. Check it out.
5 Myths About Teaching Personal Finance
Money is too taboo to talk about with students and residents, right? That’s a common line of logic, unfortunately. Here are five myths about personal finance education, and how they don’t line up.
Roth or Traditional 401(k): Which is Best for You?
Roth or a Traditional 401(k)? Which one is better for you? Check out the key factors of each option to see what suits your needs!
Pros and Cons of Going Part Time as a Doctor
Going part-time as a doctor is a big decision. There are certainly benefits and consequences to making that decision. Here is a list of the pros and cons you must consider before taking the plunge.
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