Impatience is a disease that keeps high-income professionals stressed about finances and running on the treadmill to keep up with their lifestyle. Show some patience and you’ll have all the stuff you desire including financial independence.
Month: May 2021
Should I Invest in My 457 Plan?
Investing in your 401K/403B is a straight-forward decision, even if you are loaded up with debt. A much more complicated question to answer is whether you should contribute to your company’s deferred compensation 457 plan. Today’s post will answer the question, “Should I invest in my 457?” The What, when, and why.
4 Huge Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants are a fantastic way to reduce your workload while simultaneously growing your practice or business. Learn exactly how an assistant can reduce your stress and increase efficiency.
Can I trust PSLF? The PSLF Side Fund
A recent area in physician personal finance that has the same dilemma, which requires the Trust, But Verify method is PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness). People often ask, “Can I trust PSLF?”  My answer? Have a back-up plan.
And trust, but verify. Let’s dig in.
The Dave Ramsey Asset Allocation
Should you follow Dave Ramsey’s recommended asset allocation for your portfolio? Come read how the WCI thinks you should decipher if this is right for physicians.
Proof is in the Pudding: Live like a Resident
It’s often said, “Live like a resident during and after reisdency!” But where’s the proof that you should live like a resident after residency? Well, the proof is in the pudding. Let’s look at the ingredients to see if that math adds up.
How Physician Real Estate Investors Can Prepare for 2021
Much like fashion, the trends we see year to year in real estate also experience change. With the whirlwind of 2020, there are some exciting opportunities ahead for investors. Join us as Passive Income MD outlines where he sees the trends heading in 2021.
It’s Wrong for Doctors to Retire Early
Today’s post strikes deep into the heart of the message on this site. Some people attack doctors who plan to achieve early financial independence and retire early. In fact, I’ve seen some people say that its wrong for doctors to retire early. Them is fighting words to me. Agree? Disagree? Come find out.
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