Hesed is often translated as loving-kindness, but it also encapsulates mercy, loyalty, and even compassion. Hesed seems to be the ideal way that we should think and care about others, particularly our patients. In a world that is more jaded by the day, Hesed seems to be less and less common. What is more common now is something called Compassion Fatigue. Today we will discuss exactly what Compassion Fatigue is and ways that we may be able to combat it’s evil forces.
Month: December 2017
The Physician Philosopher Portfolio
As part of this website I plan to follow my success in increasing my net worth and gaining ground...
Should I go to medical school?
It is a common question asked by those thinking about going into the field of medicine, “Would you go into medicine again if you did it all over?” Sometimes they ask, “Would you tell your son or daughter to go into medicine?” Today we are going to look strictly at the financial aspect of this decision.
Should I Invest Pre-Tax or Roth for my 401k?
If you are reading this site, then you have likely come across other websites geared towards high income earners. The vast majority of them will tell you to invest your 401k/403b money in a traditional (pre-tax) manner. The reasons for this are many, but let me lay out the opponents argument before I tell you why I prefer a ROTH contribution to my 403B:
Should I do research? Five commonly asked questions
Given that I had the experience of thinking research was pretty worthless and then transitioned to “seeing the light,” I wanted to spend some time answering five questions that medical students often ask me regarding research:
Pay off my student loans or invest?
Sometimes the head and the heart just can’t agree. Paying off debt provides more peace of mind than making more in the market investing. The math doesn’t make sense, but what is the point of wealth if you aren’t content? What does your head and heart think/feel?
Moderately Frugal: Wealth without Wellness
Quite possibly, this should have been my first post. A significant portion of this blog is going to be focused on building wealth and my personal journey to get there. Being a philosophy major in undergrad, this begs the question: What is the purpose of obtaining wealth?
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