

Why FIRE Shouldn’t Be Your Focus

Why FIRE Shouldn’t Be Your Focus

I’m going to say something wildly unpopular… I’m not a fan of FIRE. At least not half of it. Come find out which half, and why.

Top 5 Money Lessons for Physicians

Top 5 Money Lessons for Physicians

Distilling personal finance into its most important topics can prove challenging. What are the top 5 money lessons you need to learn? Come find out.

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? The short answer? It depends. The long answer is a whole lot more interesting. And it is all in this post.

Loss Aversion and Analysis Paralysis

Loss Aversion and Analysis Paralysis

You might think you like choices… but that just isn’t really true. Sometimes more choice can lead to indecision. And even when we do choose, we are constantly afraid of losing it! This all impacts your money decisions… and it’s all in today’s post.

The Physician Philosopher Podcast: Philosophy and Finance

The Physician Philosopher Podcast: Philosophy and Finance

Many have told me to podcast more often, and I am trying to listen. Maybe this will be my gateway into the podcasting world. Maybe not. Come check out the news as I discuss where you will be finding my podcasts more frequently in the future.

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