I get emails all of the time (and in-person consults, too) about student loans. What should I do? Is this program right or is that one better? It can be a complicated mess, and sometimes we need to get help with our student loans. This post will help you figure out where you sit with your loans, and when and where to get help should you need it.
Month: May 2019
The Monthly Checkout: May 2019
It’s that time of the month. Tag along as I feature some of the best content on the internet! From moral injury to financial independence and cognitive biases, it’s all covered! I even feature an awesome new brand and my favorite physician burnout blogger.
Book Report: The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice Right
Getting your medical practice started on the right foot can be challenging. You should know that there are resources out there to teach you how to do this. Join along as we review The Doctor’s Guide to Starting Your Practice Right.
Investing in What Matters Most: The Best Investments
Much of the personal finance blogosphere directed at physicians spends time discussing spending...
Do You Suffer from Someday Syndrome?
We all suffer from Someday Syndrome in one way or another. Someday, things will be better. Someday, I’ll have this (or that). But, the truth is that we might live our entire life waiting for “someday” to come when what we needed was there in front of us the whole time…
Moderate Minimalism: The Key to Living in the Moment
Sometimes working harder does not produce better results. Or, maybe you’ve heard it said that “Less is more”? Either way, the modern life is full of distractions that prevent us from living in the moment. Moderate minimalism is the key to fixing that problem.
The Two Most Important Words in Personal Finance
According to Passive Income MD, these are the two most important words in all of personal finance. And, I’ll admit that you either wield this as a force to be reckoned with our you will succumb to its will. This is the driver of most people’s financial stress, if they have it.
REPAYE Versus PAYE for Two-Income Couples
REPAYE or PAYE? If you are married to someone else who earns an income, this can complicate which student loan program you should use to pay back your loans. If you are both paying back loans and making an income, it gets even more complicated! This post is here to help you figure it all out.
The Importance of Finding Contentment Today
In the journey to becoming doctors, we get used to the four year transition periods. There is always a next step. This produces a problem that leads to worse burnout, an inability to find contentment today.
5 Reasons Investing in Individual Stocks is for Losers
Many people have enjoyed the successes (and more often the failures) of investing in individual stocks. If you have ever wondered if you should invest in individual stocks, this post is for you. And, if you currently do this sort of thing, I might call you a loser in this post. Read it at your own peril.
Budgets Are For Rookies
Everyone hates a budget. Everyone should hate even more a budget with “training wheels.” If you don’t know what that looks like, let this Saturday Selection from the WCI network teach you. After all, budgeting is for rookies.
Why PSLF Will Work
Many students I talk to are concerned that PSLF is going away. They’ve seen it in congressional acts and presidential budgets. In this guest post, a student loan expert (Travis Hornsby) walks us through why you should have a little trust. Come check it out.
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