
Month: June 2018

Three Ways “First, Do No Harm” Applies to Personal Finance

Three Ways “First, Do No Harm” Applies to Personal Finance

Early and often we are taught to advocate for our patients and “First, Do No Harm.” What if I told you that the same principle applies to personal finance and, in particular, physician finance? It is your job to protect yourself from harm. Today we will discuss three key concepts in this arena.

Making the Naysayers Shut Their Mouth

Making the Naysayers Shut Their Mouth

I still remember this conversation from the first year of medical school like it was yesterday.  This was one of the first times in my life someone so profoundly told me “You can’t” or “You won’t” straight to my face.

Burning and Turning Pages: Learning a lesson on Self-Worth

Burning and Turning Pages: Learning a lesson on Self-Worth

My oldest kid, little Miss Philosopher has been learning a lesson in 1st grade. Ironically, I’ve been learning the same lesson recently. When people try to define our self-worth and our abilities, I tend to try and turn the page or burn it. What do you do?

Will I be able to retire? The Mice and Money Model

Will I be able to retire? The Mice and Money Model

Mouse is a self-described husband (to a doctor), father, engineer, and finance blogger.  He builds awesome money models to predict the chances people have at successfully reaching their goals.  Today, we will see Mouse’s model for me and answer the pen-ultimate question: Will I be able to retire?

The June Monthly Checkout: June 15th, 2018

The June Monthly Checkout: June 15th, 2018

In medicine, we have to handover care to the medical providers coming behind us.  Just like we run the list to “check out” on the patients we are taking care of, we will run a list of articles I think are worth your time to read.  Today, we will discuss The June Monthly Checkout.

The Greatest Wrinkle in Time: Blinded By the Lights

We’ve all been in the tunnel.  It’s dark and dreary.  There never seems to be an end to it.  So, we just keep on walking; hoping at some point to see the light. The anticipated light can be so bright, it can prevent us from being here and now. Don’t become blinded by the lights.

Physician Burnout and Financial Independence: A Guest Post

This week’s “Wellness Wednesday” post has two changes.  1) It wasn’t posted on Wednesday (Tuesday!), and 2) It’s not on this site!  You’ll have to venture over to Camp FIRE finance to find the article where I discuss physician burnout, financial independence, and why you should care even if you aren’t a doctor!

Maybe You’re Not Passionate Enough? Passion Projects: Making Time

Side hustles can take up a lot of time. But when your side hustles turn into passion projects, the time seems to be worth it. That doesn’t solve the problem of putting more hours into the day, though. Come tag along as we answer the question: how do you make time for passion projects?

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