

From burned out to balanced Physician, Spouse, Parent, and Coach

Hi, I’m Dr. Jimmy Turner

A practicing anesthesiologist, entrepreneur, and life coach for doctors.

DrJimmy Turner is an academic anesthesiologist, self-proclaimed money nerd, and a certified coach for physicians.  He is the host The Physician Philosopher podcast and the author of Determined: How Burned Out Doctors Can Thrive in a Broken Medical System.  

Jimmy‘s passion is teaching doctors how to create the time, financial freedom, and mindset shifts they need to create a life they love, which he does through books, podcasts, and his coaching program called the Alpha Coaching Experience.

Jimmy’s Background

When I finished my residency and fellowship, after all the hard work, countless hours, and time spent in a sleep-deprived state, there was supposed to be this big light at the end of the tunnel where you’re “living the dream.” And becoming an attending physician – and earning the respect and paycheck that comes with it – was supposed to make all the sacrifices worth it.

And for a while, it did.

But here’s the thing, a few years into my practice as an academic anesthesiologist, I found myself burning out.

I know what it’s like to sit in your car dreading your next shift.  Asking “Do I really have to go in for this one?”  And having trouble falling asleep on Sunday, knowing that Monday shift is coming.

The cause?

A mixture of overwhelm, lack of autonomy, failure to find a work-life balance, and a Grave’s disease diagnosis

My Arrival Fallacy

But rather than step back and find balance in my personal and professional life, I did what most doctors do: I worked harder.

I poured myself into other accomplishments, sure that my ‘next’ achievement would get me off the road to burnout and make me happy.

It truly was an arrival fallacy.

And I was successful, as it helped me to:

  • Become well-respected clinically
  • Publish RCTs
  • Win teaching awards
  • Run my business on the side, The Physician Philosopher™, which was earning a six-figure sum of money

But none of it helped, and Lexapro wasn’t the answer either.

And despite all of the outward success, I was miserable on the inside. I felt desperate for help – and my amazing wife and three kids needed me to get help, too.


When Everything Changed

That’s when I found coaching.
Coaching taught me that nothing was happening “to me.”

Through coaching, I became the captain of my own ship and allowed me to take back the autonomy, control, and direction in my life.

Everything changed.

I learned to:

  • Enjoy my job again
  • Say yes to what mattered to me
  • Say no (unapologetically) to what didn’t

I was no longer a victim. I was in control of my life.

For the first time since I became a physician, my arrival fallacy was gone. I learned how to enjoy the journey and that the elusive balance I’d been looking for was possible.

Then, my business exploded and provided even more freedom.

My Mission

Thanks to the impact thought work and coaching had on my life, I became a coach myself and now coach other doctors who’ve had the same struggles.

Whether you’re a physician in the midst of burnout and overwhelm, trying to balance your responsibilities as a partner, parent, and physician. Or a side-hustle extraordinaire looking to build a six-figure source of non-clinical revenue – I’ve been there.

My mission is to teach doctors how to create the life they deserve – one thought at a time.

You’ll not only find balance, but you’ll also learn how to create financial freedom, and launch a business, so you can live the life of your dreams.

“Life coaching with Jimmy was a game changer for me, and empowered me to regain my autonomy and sense of self.”

Dr. Peter Baum
Family Medicine

“Every doc can benefit from Jimmy’s candid, honest look at his own life as a doctor. His phenomenal analysis of what physicians go through in terms of finances, identity, and work/life balance will improve the happiness of all who listen.”

NYU neuro
5 Star Review on TPP Podcast

This guy is on fire! We need more people like him in medicine helping physicians. He is real and vulnerable and here to help you work through all life’s struggles.”

Dr. Kate Mangona

Are you ready to live a life you love?

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