In most subjects, moderation is key. Is that true when it comes to money? Should we save for tomorrow or live for today? Is there a middle road? That’s what this is all about.
What You’ll Learn:
In today’s episode of Money Meets Medicine, “YOLO Versus Saving For Tomorrow,” you’re going to learn:
- The “ESBS” secret to spending and saving.
- It’s a good thing to spend money on what you love!
- How to balance between being boringly frugal and overspending.
- How to save or spend even when it doesn’t come naturally.
- And more!
Resources from the Episode:
Avoiding Buyers Remorse with Intentional Spending
Money Dials: Why you spend the way you do
This Episode’s Sponsor
This episode is brought to you by Michael L. Relvas. Michael is a CFP Professional and insurance agent committed to helping physicians nationwide with their term life and disability insurance needs. He provides an objective, transparent and education-focused process, that aims to help physicians make prudent decisions and avoid over-complicating things.
We really like Michael and know he’s got your best interest at heart when it comes to disability insurance. We know he’d be happy to help you with whatever your needs are.
You can find Michael at or contact him at 800-817-4522.
Listener Question of the Week:
This episodes listener questions comes from Ritu Ramdeo Vyas:
“What should you do if the only 401K option is actively managed funds?”
Each episode, we are going to start including listener questions as they are provided to us. So, if you have a specific question you’d like answered on the podcast reach out to us! Email [email protected] or [email protected]
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Last week, we shared why human behavior matters for our financial lives by taking a look at the first 5 out of 10 psychological phenomena that can (and do) affect your personal finance goals: greed, fear, ego/overconfidence, loss aversion, and analysis paralysis.
This week, we’re diving back into behavioral finance (one of our favorite topics) to share five more types of unchecked human behavior that can sabotage your journey to building the wealth you want.
Greed, FOMO, and Bad Investments
Despite our best intentions, certain emotions can keep us from building wealth. After many years arming physicians with the information they need to achieve financial wellness, I had a significant realization.
Information is one thing – behavior is another.
As the saying goes, money is 80% behavior and only 20% math.
Not only do I want to share important information about personal finance, I also want to help you recognize how certain behaviors can (and do) affect your finances.
Drawing from one of the classic books about investing, let’s go over five common behaviors that could be keeping you from achieving your financial goals.
How Doctors Can Get Good Financial Advice
Many doctors and high-income professionals hire financial advisors for any number of reasons. Either they’re too busy to handle their finances themselves, they don’t really know how to invest, or they want an expert on their side to make sure they’re on the right track.
So allow me to say from the start: I’m not against financial advisors, but I am against doctors (or anyone, really) being overcharged for bad advice.
There’s no shame in asking for help – you just want to get the help you need at a fair price.
You should be equipped enough to vet and evaluate your financial advisor so you’ll know whether they’re working well on your behalf. How can you be as confident as possible they’re acting in your best interest? This episode will help you find out.
Are you ready to live a life you love?
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