Are you looking for someone to come and talk with your students, residents, or conference attendees?
Dr. Jimmy Turner is a practicing regional anesthesiologist, owner of The Physician Philosopher™ blog, host of the Money Meets Medicine podcast, and author of The Physician Philosopher™’s Guide to Personal Finance. He strives to teach other medical professionals how to escape the burdens of student loan debt, invest efficiently, and find the financial freedom they deserve.
As part of these efforts, Dr. Turner created a 10 week 4th-year medical school curriculum at Wake Forest called the Financial Literacy and Resiliency Education (FLARE) program.

Dr. Turner enjoys speaking and consulting on the following topics:
- How to Create a Personal Finance Curriculum
- Teaching the 20% of Personal Finance Doctors Need to Know
- The Big Picture of Student Loan Management
- Investing for the Busy Medical Professional
- The Relationship Between Burnout and Personal Finance
- Knowing The “Why” Is More Important Than Knowing the “How-To” when it comes to Money
- Behavioral Finance and Happiness Economics
Dr. Turner’s Speaking Portfolio
- The Problems and Solutions with Student Loans – University of North Carolina, Department of Anesthesiology. May 2020.
- A Physician Finance Author’s Perspective on Student Loans – Eastern Virginia Medical School – Norfolk, Virginia. April 2020.
- How to Survive The Big Hungry Bear – Keynote Speaker at the White Coat Investor (Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy) Conference. Las Vegas, March 2020
- Educating the Next Generation on Wellness and Financial Literacy – Panel Moderator. White Coat Investor (Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy) Conference. Las Vegas, March 2020
- Investing 101 for the 4th-year Medical Student – FLARE, Winston-Salem, NC. March 2020.
- A Doctor’s Perspective on Student Loan Management – Intern Boot Camp, Wake Forest School of Medicine. February 2020.
- Personal Finance 101 for Orthopedic Surgeons. Grand Rounds. Winston-Salem, NC. 2019.
- Personal Finance 101 for Pathology Residents. Winston-Salem, NC. 2019.
What people say
“Dr. Turner is a transparent and engaged facilitator and he puts his heart and soul into this course, which promotes a tremendous amount of buy-in from students!”
“My wife and I will be more prepared to handle the financial stresses that come with buying a house, buying disability and life insurance, applying for jobs, and creating our long term financial goals because of the FLARE program.”
“This information is invaluable and I strongly believe that it would be valuable to all medical students at Wake and around the country.”
“As someone coming from a low SES background into the landscape of medicine, I have often felt 10 steps behind financially compared to peers who come from wealthy families or families already established in medicine. Having the opportunity to ask questions in a low stakes setting, and to discuss topics that don’t otherwise arise in our medical training, has helped me to gain confidence in the “financial literacy” arena and to realize I am “not alone” in either my background or the financial questions I may have!”
Ready to get started?
If you would like Dr. Turner to speak for you, or provide a consultation to help you build a personal finance curriculum for your students – please reach out: