

Budgeting That You Won’t Hate: Backwards Budgeting

Budgeting That You Won’t Hate: Backwards Budgeting

Let’s be real. Most of us hate budgeting. I know that I do. That said, I am a big believer that unintentional plans lead to lots of people ending up broke. What if I told you that there is a way to budget that you won’t hate, and it will accomplish all of your goals automatically? Too good to be true? Read on to find out…

Avoiding Buyers Remorse with Intentional Spending

Avoiding Buyers Remorse with Intentional Spending

We’ve all been there. We make a big purchase only to find out later… we regret the purchase. Buyers remorse is the real deal. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent this and spend money in a healthier and happier way.

“Fire Your Financial Advisor” Review

“Fire Your Financial Advisor” Review

The following is a review of this course, which is called Fire Your Financial Advisor. The review is long, but this course includes over 6 hours worth of video and presentation information all-in-all. Want to sneak a peek? Read more to find out.

The Importance of Investing Money in Residency

The Importance of Investing Money in Residency

Saving money is tough. Saving money during residency might be tougher. But is also might be more important. Join along as we discuss the importance (and benefits) behind investing during residency.

Can I trust PSLF?  The PSLF Side Fund

Can I trust PSLF? The PSLF Side Fund

A recent area in physician personal finance that has the same dilemma, which requires the Trust, But Verify method is PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness).  People often ask, “Can I trust PSLF?”  My answer?  Have a back-up plan.
And trust, but verify.  Let’s dig in.

I Hate Budgeting (or Why I Use a Cash Flow Plan)

I Hate Budgeting (or Why I Use a Cash Flow Plan)

I absolutely HATE budgeting. I’ve never liked it. Never will. Fortunately, there are other options to find financial success. I talk about my favorite – the cash flow plan – and its benefits in this post. Keep reading to find out more!

A Book Review: The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt

Little did Dr. Fawcett know, that book would lead him on a journey to pay off all of his debt in less than six years.  This led him to write a guide specific for doctor’s called The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt.  Today, I’ll review Dr. Fawcett’s book and tell you if I think it’s worth the read.

Financial Mistakes: It (mis)takes one to know one!

Financial Mistakes: It (mis)takes one to know one!

We are going to discuss five financial mistakes that I have made in my life and the consequences of each mistake.  I want you to read this in a certain light, though.  The light is this: You, too, can make it to financial independence despite making stupid mistakes like me.

The Tenth Philosophy: TMF Personal Finance Calendar

Ever wondered if there are certain months where specific financial tasks should be completed? Ever forget a deadline because you forgot to write it down? How often should you rebalance your assets? The Moderately Frugal Personal Finance Calendar aims to answer this, and much more.

Budgeting: Four False Assumptions

Budgeting has earned quite the bad wrap.  It is often viewed negatively whereas “tracking spending” is viewed as the positive term. Today we will look into the top four false assumptions regarding budgeting, and discuss why it may be a necessary and beneficial endeavor.

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