Your finances as an unmarried individual filing taxes a single filer while earning significantly less than a specialist or a dual-income household will look a lot different. Read today’s guest post to learn more.
A FIRE-Minded Approach to Life Insurance
Editor's Note: I have very strong opinions on insurance after my own personal experience. That's...
The Vanguard Total Stock Market Fund, ticker symbol VTSAX, gets a lot of attention and love from authors and investors alike. But why VTSAX? I’ll dig into what VTSAX actually is and how it’s performed while discussing what makes the “Vermont Saxophone” such a popular choice for do-it-yourself investors.
How My Investing Changed After Financial Independence
Editor: I’ve changed up the way I’ve invested additional money. I’d like to share how and why...
Top 5 Financial Priorities for an Early Career Physician
An early career physician has a lot going on and doesn’t need to get everything just right, but there are a few financial priorities that should be recognized.
How Early Retirement Prepared Us for the Pandemic
I often talk about how one of the ways to start practicing medicine because you want to and not because you have to it by reaching financial independence. In today’s guest post, Physicians on FIRE explains how this idea also prepared their for the pandemic in ways they never could have imagined.
How I Lost 10 Pounds in 24 Days (and What That Has To Do With Personal Finance)
In an effort to avoid the “Dad bod,” I decided to lose some weight. Read how the Physician on Fire lost 10 pounds in 24 days and what that has to do with personal finance.
Physicians Scammed out of Tens of Millions of Dollars
Physicians scammed out of $33 million as one physician recruits dozens of colleagues to invest in a cryptocurrency volatily trading scheme he cofounded.
Love your job? Why you should still pursue financial independence
Love your job? Great! Should you pursue FIRE? Absolutely, you should! At least the Financial Independence part. What you do with it is up to to you.
A Two Million Dollar Book: The Physician Philosopher’s Guide to Personal Finance
The Physician Philosopher’s Guide to Personal Finance has been called a two million dollar book. An overview of this excellent primer from Dr. James Turner.
Earning Free Travel the Hard Way (and How to Make it Much Easier)
Free travel can be earned in a variety of ways. I’ve earned free travel the hard way a few times. Now I do it the easy way. Earn yourself some free travel!
Teach Your Kids About Money with the Bank of Mom and Dad
How do you teach your kids about money? Talk about money, teach the magic of compound interest, model good habits and institute the Bank of Mom and Dad.
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