
physician finance

TPP Blogging Manifesto-Part 2

If you made it through Part 1 (My background), congratulations. 

That was probably not what you expected to read, but I bet the rest of this post will be.  FIRE bloggers have been charged to come clean, and so here it goes! The TPP Blogging Manifesto.  Part 2: Coming clean.

TPP Blogging Manifesto: Part 1 My Background

In recent news, FIRE bloggers have been charged with creating a manifesto to describe their background and means for financial independence and early retirement. In Part 1 of the TPP Blogging Manifesto, I plan to lay out exactly what my financial beginnings looked like. Come step inside my head a bit & get to know me.

What if your Financial Goals don’t agree with your Life Goals?

The sister of one of my best friends went off the deep end in college.  We will call her Trinity. She got caught up in the wrong crowd, made some bad decisions, and ended up dropping out of college.  The direction that Trinity ended up going was really distressing to her parents.  The crazy part?  They blamed it on the college that she attended.  This is a lesson in making sure our life goals play nice with our financial goals.

How to access 401K early (before 59.5 & avoid 10% penalty)

He was planning to retire early at age 40 and didn’t want to have to deal with the tax implications of getting money out of a 401K/403B prior to age 59.5 years old (10% penalty!). Let’s discuss the options on how to access 401K before age 59 for those considering early retirement, and how to avoid the 10% penalty.

The Stretch IRA. The Best Inheritance

The Stretch IRA. The Best Inheritance

The Stretch IRA is the gift that keeps on giving. It provides a wonderful way to leave an inheritance and has particular benefits not seen by other kinds of inheritance money. Perhaps there is a reason why “Roth money should be touched last” in retirement.

How do I invest my paycheck? Attending Series

The most common question that I get (in real life and online) is the following:  “So, I am finished (or about to finish) training.  How do I invest my paycheck?”  I recognize that for many readers this question may be too basic, but I don’t want to skip it for those that are about to start their life as an attending.  Hopefully, even for those that have it all figured out, they’ll find useful information in answering the question.

What you need to know: Vanguard financial advisors

It’s the biggest mutual fund company in existence now known for their (passive management) index funds. You guessed it.  Vanguard. Yet, Vanguard is now recommending financial advisors…  Why does Vanguard recommend financial advisors?  Are they worth it? Let’s take a look.

Financial Mistakes: It (mis)takes one to know one!

Financial Mistakes: It (mis)takes one to know one!

We are going to discuss five financial mistakes that I have made in my life and the consequences of each mistake.  I want you to read this in a certain light, though.  The light is this: You, too, can make it to financial independence despite making stupid mistakes like me.

What You Need to Know about Refinancing Student Loans

What You Need to Know about Refinancing Student Loans

When I was in residency, residency refinancing companies did not exist. If you read part 1 of this series or are considering private refinancing options, then this post will help you pick the best company for you.

How does the tax bill affect me and my paycheck?

The new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act took changed my most recent paycheck.  The increase was substantial.  I had previously made the calculations to determine how much it ought to increase my paycheck, but was eager to see what the number would actually be.  Today we will answer the question of “how does the tax bill affect me?”

The Four W’s of PSLF: Student Loan Refinacing Part 1

Don’t we all remember the most important money saving tip?  You know.  If you just brew your coffee (or tea) at home while you are a medical student and resident instead of going to Starbucks, you could save thousands of dollars on your medical school debt. We’ve got some talking to do: Student Loans Part 1.

The Tenth Philosophy: TMF Personal Finance Calendar

Ever wondered if there are certain months where specific financial tasks should be completed? Ever forget a deadline because you forgot to write it down? How often should you rebalance your assets? The Moderately Frugal Personal Finance Calendar aims to answer this, and much more.