If you’ve ever considered part-time work, here is your chance to live vicariously through Physician on FIRE. Dig in as he explains what it was like for him going part-time for six months. Was it worth it? Read on to find out.
physician finance
Going Part-Time: Is it Worth it?
The last 12 months have been some of the hardest of my life. This led me to ask for more time off from work. Was the time off worth it? What benefits and consequences came from this decision? Read on to find out.
Personal Finances are Personal: Invest or Pay Off Debt?
The best advice is specific to each person’s situation. Come take a peak as I discuss two people’s situations and how I gave opposite advice to each of them. Why would I do such a thing? Personal finances are personal.
Step by Step Guide: How to Open a Brokerage Account?
After spending the last few years paying off all of our...
The Real Secret To Financial Success
It’s like that recurring dream where you can’t move. The harder we run, we just can’t seem to catch up to anyone else. Often times, people in real life can feel this way when it comes to finances, because they don’t know the real secret to financial success. This post should help.
Financial Burdens and Physician Burnout
Let’s get real for a minute. Our debt is a big burden in most of our lives. It limits our freedom, and our choices. Is there anything that we can do?
Why Timing The Market is a Fool’s Errand
Timing the market is easy. You simply buy when the market is low, and sell when the market is high. Right? Come find out why this line of thinking is a bit of fool’s gold.
Top 5 Money Lessons for Physicians
Distilling personal finance into its most important topics can prove challenging. What are the top 5 money lessons you need to learn? Come find out.
Can Money Buy You Happiness?
Can money buy happiness? The short answer? It depends. The long answer is a whole lot more interesting. And it is all in this post.
How to Determine Your Savings Rate: Spend Save Ratio
This is a guest post written by Dr. John Lim who is a well-known author in the personal finance...
Framing Your Financial Future
I love listening to podcasts. In a very busy world,...
5 Steps To Winning at Personal Finance
Unfortunately, many of us are left to figure out personal finance all on our own. Yet, there is a better way. And it starts with figuring out the puzzle one step at a time. Here are 5 of the most important steps.
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