

Can I trust PSLF?  The PSLF Side Fund

Can I trust PSLF? The PSLF Side Fund

A recent area in physician personal finance that has the same dilemma, which requires the Trust, But Verify method is PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness).  People often ask, “Can I trust PSLF?”  My answer?  Have a back-up plan.
And trust, but verify.  Let’s dig in.

Proof is in the Pudding: Live like a Resident

Proof is in the Pudding: Live like a Resident

It’s often said, “Live like a resident during and after reisdency!” But where’s the proof that you should live like a resident after residency?  Well, the proof is in the pudding. Let’s look at the ingredients to see if that math adds up.

The 10% Rule: Limiting Lifestyle Creep

The 10% Rule: Limiting Lifestyle Creep

If we ignore the desires of our heart and deny our ability to enjoy anything, this places us in an uncomfortable disposition towards discontent.  Likewise, if we ignore the head we are destined towards financial ruin. Let The 10% Rule make both your head and your heart happy.

Lifestyle Inflation After The First Big Paycheck

Lifestyle Inflation After The First Big Paycheck

This is a story familiar to us all. We watch (or anticipate watching) our paycheck jump in size after we finish training. We then make all of the lifestyle changes to accompany the big increase. This is the big dilemma. Today we will discuss a better way.

Why You Should Wait to Buy the House (The Diderot Effect)

Why You Should Wait to Buy the House (The Diderot Effect)

Are you one of the many doctors who struggle with the Diderot effect? In the 1700s a French Philosopher learned about keeping up with the Joneses the hard way. In fact, he was such an example that The Diderot Effect was named after him. Keep reading to find out if you struggle with it, too!

The Guide to Guilt-Free Spending

The Guide to Guilt-Free Spending

Do you ever feel guilty later for a purchase you made? Maybe it was the car. Or the house. Or that fancy new bike, clothes, or purse. Regardless, there is an answer to guilt-free spending that involves spending MORE money on what you love. Read this post to find out more.

Hard Times Teach Us About Money

Hard Times Teach Us About Money

These hard times have taught us a lot about money. What can we cut? How long should our money last? It is tough to know, but it is something we must also consider…

The Real Secret To Financial Success

The Real Secret To Financial Success

It’s like that recurring dream where you can’t move. The harder we run, we just can’t seem to catch up to anyone else. Often times, people in real life can feel this way when it comes to finances, because they don’t know the real secret to financial success. This post should help.

5 Steps To Winning at Personal Finance

5 Steps To Winning at Personal Finance

Unfortunately, many of us are left to figure out personal finance all on our own. Yet, there is a better way. And it starts with figuring out the puzzle one step at a time. Here are 5 of the most important steps.

Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt? A Case Study

Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt? A Case Study

Ever wondered if you should pay off your debt or invest? This case study could help. And, if it doesn’t, the step-by-step guide at the end of the post definitely will. Check it out.