Each New Year, many of us spend some time creating New Years resolutions. If you have trouble coming up with good financial goals, here are 11 SMART financial goals worth pursuing and how to go about creating them…
personal finance
End of Year Financial Checklist for High Earners
The end of the year can be a very busy time, which makes it easy to drop one of the many balls that are up in the air. Using this financial checklist for high income earners, your personal finances don’t have to be one of the missed items this year!
From Frugal to Fancy to Buying a Peloton
Would you believe that my wife and I bought a peloton? Are we crazy? Did we just join a cult? Come find out why I thought it was okay to go from frugal to fancy, and when you can do the same!
How to Get Rich: Curbing Spending on the Big 5
There is one simple reason why most physicians do not get rich early in their careers – the Big 5. Learn how to get rich by avoiding the Big 5 expenses until you are at a point that you can afford them.
Health Savings Account (HSA): Everything You Need to Know
What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)? How is it diferrent than an FSA? Why does everyone talk about it? What expenses does an HSA cover? Should you use your HSA for that big procedure you just had? All that and more in today’s post.
Best Time to Buy a Car & 8 Other Steps to Get the Best Deal
I still loved driving my Chevy SS. The roar of the naturally aspirated V-8 as I churned through...
Top 10 Financial Tips for New Attending Physicians
Many doctors ask (particularly in July) what are the top 10 tasks a physician should complete when they become an attending physician. I hope this post helps you answer that question!
Lazy Workers are Bad; Lazy Portfolios Are Great
Being lazy while practicing medicine doesn’t likely lead to the results you want. However, being lazy in the market is ideal. Here are five lazy portfolios that will provide great success, including the one I prescribe to (The Physician Philosopher Five Fund Portfolio). Come see why lazy is best.
The Most Important Financial Decision You Will Ever Make
What matters most? The short term or the long term? Dr. Joshua White talks about the most important financial decision you’ll ever make. Keep on reading!
Why You Should Wait to Buy the House (The Diderot Effect)
Are you one of the many doctors who struggle with the Diderot effect? In the 1700s a French Philosopher learned about keeping up with the Joneses the hard way. In fact, he was such an example that The Diderot Effect was named after him. Keep reading to find out if you struggle with it, too!
Private School During the Pandemic: Visiting an Old Debate
The age old debate of private versus public school has taken on a new wrinkle during this pandemic. Many private schools are providing in-person teaching while public schools are not. Does this new wrinkle make it worth it? How will you pay? Keep reading to find out.
Hard Times Teach Us About Money
These hard times have taught us a lot about money. What can we cut? How long should our money last? It is tough to know, but it is something we must also consider…
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