
physician finance

The Ninth Philosophy: DIY Personal Finance

I often ask people, “Do you think you are dumb enough, if you put just a little time in, to make 10 million dollars worth of mistakes?”  The point I am trying to make is that, with just a little bit of do-it-your self personal finance education, you can be your own financial advisor.  Today we will discuss exactly how to go about this!

The Seventh Philosophy: The Platonic Creed

For those of us who have “seen the light” and realized that the financial shadows that dance on the wall are created by the industrial machine that want us to believe the personal finance is too hard to do ourselves.  Once we are freed to realize that it is not as difficult as it used to seem, it is our responsibility to go back and to free the other prisoners.  This is the Seventh Philosophy:  A Responsibility to Teach

The Fifth Philosophy: How to Slay a Bear Market

Could you stomach watching $500,000 turn into $250,000 over the course of months, or lose $100,000 in one week?  A Bear Market is not the time to find out who you are in terms of your ability to withstand corrections and recessions.  You need to have a plan  to slay the bear market before it comes!

TPP Net Worth Update: 6 Months Out

This is my first of (at least) quarterly TPP Net Worth updates. This will help hold me accountable, help provide transparency to my readers, and hopefully provide those coming behind me some proof that financial goals can be achieved in a way to make both the head and the heart happy!

How Contagious Discipline Killed the Bear (Market)

A plan that was attempted and failed is always better than failing to plan.  Right?  If you don’t plan at all, you are just guaranteeing failure.  Being mentally, relationally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally disciplined all have guaranteed dividends. But how does discipline kill a bear?

The Fourth Philosophy: Make Investing Exciting!

The reason that The Fourth Philosophy is so important is that it encourages us to stick to the method that we know works and to recognize that the excitement involved is in the profits we know we are likely to make over the next 10, 20, or 30 years.  This is how we make investing exciting!

The Second Philosophy: The One Month Rule

We all know the feeling. You purchase something in a moment of brilliance that you have to buy. You think it’s great. Surely, this new (insert: financed car/home, expensive clothes, computer, etc) is going to make you happy. It’s the best thing since sliced bread. Then it hits…. buyer’s remorse. Let the One Month Rule help you out next time.

Budgeting: Four False Assumptions

Budgeting has earned quite the bad wrap.  It is often viewed negatively whereas “tracking spending” is viewed as the positive term. Today we will look into the top four false assumptions regarding budgeting, and discuss why it may be a necessary and beneficial endeavor.