

Time is money, but money can’t buy time

Time is money, but money can’t buy time

Please, tell me I am not the only one who thinks like this?  My monetary mindset currently revolves around our biggest (current) financial goal: Paying off our student loans. I hope that some day I can truly learn that Time is Money and that money is a means to an end. It’s not an end in itself.

The fear of spending money

The fear of spending money

It’s okay to stick to our guns, but sometimes being frugal can make spending money an anxiety provoking experience. Do I have the fear of spending money? We bought a house. Am I a hypocrite? Come take a walk through my mind.

5 Ways to Find COVID Balance While at Home

5 Ways to Find COVID Balance While at Home

Are you bored out of your gourd while being forced to stay at home? Here are 5 ways that I’ve found to flip the script and have a ton of fun while staying home. I even include some of our favorite board games that you likely haven’t heard of!

The Fear of Spending Money

The Fear of Spending Money

It’s okay to stick to our guns, but sometimes being frugal can make spending money an anxiety provoking experience. Do I have the fear of spending money? We bought a house. Am I a hypocrite? Come take a walk through my mind.

The Real Secret To Financial Success

The Real Secret To Financial Success

It’s like that recurring dream where you can’t move. The harder we run, we just can’t seem to catch up to anyone else. Often times, people in real life can feel this way when it comes to finances, because they don’t know the real secret to financial success. This post should help.

The Business Man and The Mexican Fisherman

The Business Man and The Mexican Fisherman

It’s easy to go through the motions. Life gets busy. Work is never ending. Is there a better way to look at life? Will you regret not having lived when it is all said and done?

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