…But first, an Update!
I just got back from FinCon and it was amazing.
I had the opportunity to meet a ton of people that I’d gotten to know over the past ten months since starting this site – and a bunch more that I didn’t know! I’m sure I’ll write a post on it all in the near future, but suffice it to say that it is well worth going – even if you don’t have a personal finance blog!
I also got to see one of my best friends – and groomsman from my wedding – for the first time in several years. This trip was one of the best highlights of this year.
The Belated Monthly Checkout
You may be reading that title and then checking on your phone or computer to make sure that it’s October 1st. Yup. You’re right. I just had so much content planned at the end of September that I couldn’t fit in the TPP Monthly Checkout.
But, guess what? This is the fun part of being an entrepreneur. I own this site. So, if I wanna write the September Monthly Checkout on October 1st, I can do that. And that’s exactly what’s happening!
So, for my OCD brethren out there, please forgive me. This, too, shall pass. But not without sharing some awesome posts with you guys that are worth your time!
Without further adieu, here is The Monthly Checkout for September 2018.
From the Physician Finance Blogosphere
My favorite kind of writing is the kind that is filled with raw and brutal honesty. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s also writing that perfectly encapsulates a problem with the hopes of showing you the way out. That’s exactly what Millionaire Doc does in his post on his Mid-Career Crisis: How to deal when things get less-awesome. P.S. I met him at FinCon and Millionaire Doc is just as cool in person.
In a simple, yet effective post Dads Making Cents discuss sequence of return risk (SORR). This is an important topic to understand, and strong reason why you should have enough “safe” money when you retire to depend on prior to pulling from your accounts. Find out more in their Sequence of Return post.
Over at Pediatrician Finds FI, we can take a peak into why KPeds pursues frugality. Is it because he likes old sandals and used cell phones? Or is there a deeper purpose behind “Why I frugal”?
A Complimentary View on Side Hustles
I thought the following two posts should be grouped together. One of them speaks of the highlights of working part time, while the other shows the difference between working as a physician and having a lazy side hustle.
Both of these come from emergency medicine doctors, which makes this interesting!
The first is from Side Hustles Scrubs, where SHS takes us side-by-side down a typical day working in the emergency department and then contrasts that to a day working in cardiac rehab while simultaneously doing chart reviews. The experiences couldn’t be any different – and the take away is huge. Check out this amazing post about A Day in the Life.
The next is by one of the docs – also an emergency medicine doc – who helped start this whole physician blogger thing. Come join in as White Coat Investor discusses 7 Reasons I Practice Medicine Part-Time.
Passive Income MD has been raking it in with his passive real estate investments. One such form of investments includes his crowdfunding real estate deals. Come check out his most recent summary of his Personal Real Estate Crowdfunding Results (Updated through September 2018).
From the Rest of the World Wide Web
Outside of the physician finance blogosphere, we have some posts full of wisdom for your enjoyment. None of them is likely quite as wise as the one from Savvy New Canadians, which walks us through The 100 Best Money Quotes of All Time.
For my readers out there who are women, I think the following site is really worth checking out. It’s a huge resource of women bloggers who put out some amazing content. Given my trip to FinCon, I found it appropriate to include this posts which Celebrates the Women Finalists in the 9th Annual Plutus Awards (best blogs out there).
The Site Keeps Growing
As this site continues to grow (over 16,500 monthly page views in September), I am sure that the traffic from these monthly checkouts will continue to improve as well.
If you have something you feel is worth sharing, send it my way. Maybe it’ll make the next month’s checkout.
Keep on hustlin’ – you know I will.
Congrats on your amazing blog growth man, well-deserved. And it was awesome meeting you and hanging out in Orlando!
Thanks, man. And likewise! Great to meet a legend before he even knew it! Looking forward to your site taking off.
Thanks for sharing my frugal post! I’m still working out how I think on the matter and I think I’m getting close.
For raw heartfelt honesty you definitely picked a good one with M’s post at Reflections of a Millennial doctor.
16k+ views! Congrats! I definitely have some learning to do!
Hopefully next year I’ll make it to fincon!
M is good at raw honesty! It’s one of her many talents.
I hope to see ya next year, then!
Sounds like FinCon was an amazing time and I have been kicking myself for not going this year. I promised myself to make every attempt to attend the next one and hopefully have an opportunity to meet the entire physician blogosphere group as it descends on DC.
Congrats on the blog growth. It is definitely the result of hard work and putting out consistent great content. Like the Field Of Dreams, if you build it they will (eventually) come which hopefully is happening with my site as well.
Well I do hope you can make it to FinCon next year, definitely would love to meet the faces behind the blogs I follow.
You better come to FinCon next year! It was a blast and you wouldn’t regret it. Tons of networking and meeting great people.
Thanks for including me with these other great bloggers. My side hustles have taught me as much about myself as they have taught me about easy ways to make money. I hope those who read it take away that there is more to work than a paycheck.
I bet that they will. It was an awesome post
Thank you for the feature TPP. It was a real pleasure to meet you and I enjoyed our conversation. Your residents and colleagues are fortunate to be able to work with you on a daily basis. Congrats on your tremendous growth and thanks for the awesome T-shirt. Next year, totes like Bitches Get Riches?
Heck yeah! Let’s do it. That and a bottle opener. Going full board!
Great meeting you, too! Really enjoyed it.
Thanks for featuring my post – much appreciated!! And congrats on your phenomenal blog growth. I plan to make FinCon next year and hopefully we can meet in person!
Thanks! I look forward to meeting you, if you come!