Student loans can be forgiven in a variety of ways. Most people focus on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), but this is not the only option for student loan forgiveness. This epic post explains all.
student loans
How I Paid Off My Student Loans: $200,000 in 19 Months
It has been quite the journey to pay off our student loans, but we did it. Tag along as we discuss exactly how we achieved this goal (five months sooner than we anticipated).
The REPAYE Loop Hole & 4 REPAYE Hacks
Making the most of your student loan situation is paramount to financial success. For this reason, this is a must read post if you are a medical student, resident, or academic attending. Come check it out as we discuss the REPAYE loop hole and 4 REPAYE hacks that will help you make the most of this great program.
A Book Review: The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt
Little did Dr. Fawcett know, that book would lead him on a journey to pay off all of his debt in less than six years. This led him to write a guide specific for doctor’s called The Doctor’s Guide to Eliminating Debt. Today, I’ll review Dr. Fawcett’s book and tell you if I think it’s worth the read.
TPP Blogging Manifesto: Part 1 My Background
In recent news, FIRE bloggers have been charged with creating a manifesto to describe their background and means for financial independence and early retirement. In Part 1 of the TPP Blogging Manifesto, I plan to lay out exactly what my financial beginnings looked like. Come step inside my head a bit & get to know me.
TPP Net Worth Update: 6 Months Out
This is my first of (at least) quarterly TPP Net Worth updates. This will help hold me accountable, help provide transparency to my readers, and hopefully provide those coming behind me some proof that financial goals can be achieved in a way to make both the head and the heart happy!
Five Steps to Building Wealth
As I started accumulating financial knowledge through reading books or visiting financial blogs aimed at high-income professionals, I started to learn that debt was something to be destroyed. It delays building wealth. I don’t want that to happen to you. So, keep reading to find out more about wealth and how to build it.
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