You’ve made it to your first attending pay check. Great! Now what? Is it really that important to start investing? Surely I can enjoy the big pay bump. Let this Tale of Two Doctors answer the question “What do I do with my first paycheck”? Come join Dr. Jones and Dr. EFI as they tell their tale.
student loans
Can I trust PSLF? The PSLF Side Fund
A recent area in physician personal finance that has the same dilemma, which requires the Trust, But Verify method is PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness). People often ask, “Can I trust PSLF?”  My answer? Have a back-up plan.
And trust, but verify. Let’s dig in.
Acts of Congress: The Impact of Coronavirus on Your Finances
Things have changed a lot in the financial world recently with multiple acts being passed in...
Personal Finances are Personal: Invest or Pay Off Debt?
The best advice is specific to each person’s situation. Come take a peak as I discuss two people’s situations and how I gave opposite advice to each of them. Why would I do such a thing? Personal finances are personal.
10 Guiding Principles for Debt Management
Do you have any remaining debt? If you are like most physicians, of course you do! Here are ten guiding principles for debt management of all sorts packed into a single post.
Student Loan Advice: 7 Rules of Thumb
In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, it was determined that the number 1 cause of stress for most Americans is money. With the ever-burgeoning student loan crisis that is taking shape in this country, it is unsurprising that this is also true in the medical community. Here are 7 guiding rules to help you out.
5 Reasons to Pay Off Your Debt (Instead of Investing)
Should I pay off my debt or invest? That’s a tough question. Yet, I firmly fall into the debt pay off group much of the time. Am I just bad at math? Or is there more to it? Here are 5 reasons you should consider focusing on paying off your debt.
Fixed versus Variable Student Loan Rates
Residents and new attendings often ask me, should I get a fixed or a variable interest rate when I refinance my student loans? This is a tough question to answer unless your mindset is right. Come check out this WCI Saturday Selection to help get you in the right mind space.
When You Should Get Student Loan Help
I get emails all of the time (and in-person consults, too) about student loans. What should I do? Is this program right or is that one better? It can be a complicated mess, and sometimes we need to get help with our student loans. This post will help you figure out where you sit with your loans, and when and where to get help should you need it.
REPAYE Versus PAYE for Two-Income Couples
REPAYE or PAYE? If you are married to someone else who earns an income, this can complicate which student loan program you should use to pay back your loans. If you are both paying back loans and making an income, it gets even more complicated! This post is here to help you figure it all out.
Why PSLF Will Work
Many students I talk to are concerned that PSLF is going away. They’ve seen it in congressional acts and presidential budgets. In this guest post, a student loan expert (Travis Hornsby) walks us through why you should have a little trust. Come check it out.
Student Loan Refinance Ladder: A Case Study
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to dealing with student loans, it seems like there is so much to learn! Come read about an awesome way to make the most of student loan refinancing through student loan refinance ladders!
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