

Lazy Workers are Bad; Lazy Portfolios Are Great

Lazy Workers are Bad; Lazy Portfolios Are Great

Being lazy while practicing medicine doesn’t likely lead to the results you want. However, being lazy in the market is ideal. Here are five lazy portfolios that will provide great success, including the one I prescribe to (The Physician Philosopher Five Fund Portfolio). Come see why lazy is best.

Pros and Cons of Target Date Funds

Pros and Cons of Target Date Funds

Most employers automatically place your investments into one of their Target Date Funds. Is this these funds the right investment for you? Read this post to find out.

6 Reasons Index Funds Remain King

6 Reasons Index Funds Remain King

It is plain and simple. People can argue (and those who do usually make commission off of other funds), but the truth is… Index funds are king. I’ll give you six reasons why, though I bet you can tell me 10 more in the comments.

Why You Should Consider Investing in Berkshire Hathaway

Why You Should Consider Investing in Berkshire Hathaway

I am a big fan of investing in index funds. Anyone who has read this blog for the last two years knows that. Yet, there is one individual stock that interests me more than any other. I could have written this post, but I didn’t. Check out what Physician on FIRE has to say in this Saturday Selection about Berkshire Hathaway.

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