Editor's Note: I have very strong opinions on insurance after my own personal experience. That's...
Partial FIRE: The solution to your problems?
There has been a lot of focus on FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), but I am here to tell you that you can experience a lot of the benefit of FIRE before you get there. In fact, I’d argue FIRE can be detrimental to your life, and that partial FIRE could prove to be a better solution…it just might solve your problems.
The FIRE Movement is Here to Stay
Have we reached “peak FIRE”? While the FIRE Movement may be popular in the mainstream media, I don’t believe it’s going away anytime soon.
Partial FIRE: The Solution to Your Problems?
There has been a lot of focus on FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), but I am here to tell you that you can experience a lot of the benefit of FIRE before you get there. In fact, I’d argue FIRE can be detrimental to your life, and that partial FIRE could prove to be a better solution…it just might solve your problems.
Why FIRE Shouldn’t Be Your Focus
I’m going to say something wildly unpopular… I’m not a fan of FIRE. At least not half of it. Come find out which half, and why.
Why I Don’t Focus on FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)
A therapeutic index is a marker of a drug's safety...
Teaching FIRE to Your Kids
I thought about naming this post “Children on FIRE” or “Teachings Kids to Play with FIRE”… but none of those sounded right. Since I didn’t write this post originally, which was first published over at Physician on FIRE, I decided to tame down the title…. never the less, this is a really important topic that all parents should spend some time thinking about.
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