

Partial FIRE: The solution to your problems?

Partial FIRE: The solution to your problems?

There has been a lot of focus on FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), but I am here to tell you that you can experience a lot of the benefit of FIRE before you get there. In fact, I’d argue FIRE can be detrimental to your life, and that partial FIRE could prove to be a better solution…it just might solve your problems.

The FIRE Movement is Here to Stay

The FIRE Movement is Here to Stay

Have we reached “peak FIRE”? While the FIRE Movement may be popular in the mainstream media, I don’t believe it’s going away anytime soon.

Partial FIRE: The Solution to Your Problems?

Partial FIRE: The Solution to Your Problems?

There has been a lot of focus on FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), but I am here to tell you that you can experience a lot of the benefit of FIRE before you get there. In fact, I’d argue FIRE can be detrimental to your life, and that partial FIRE could prove to be a better solution…it just might solve your problems.

Why FIRE Shouldn’t Be Your Focus

Why FIRE Shouldn’t Be Your Focus

I’m going to say something wildly unpopular… I’m not a fan of FIRE. At least not half of it. Come find out which half, and why.

Teaching FIRE to Your Kids

Teaching FIRE to Your Kids

I thought about naming this post “Children on FIRE” or “Teachings Kids to Play with FIRE”… but none of those sounded right.  Since I didn’t write this post originally, which was first published over at Physician on FIRE, I decided to tame down the title…. never the less, this is a really important topic that all parents should spend some time thinking about.

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