Why are you more likely to go to the gym after buying a membership? Why can’t you sell that car at a loss, even if it is what is best? Why do we buy insurance products on everything? Because you are afraid of loss, and it might be killing your finances.
behavioral finance series
Social Arbitrage: Choosing Your Friends Wisely (BFS #4)
You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with. This is why you must choose your friends carefully, and take advantage of social arbitrage. This might be most important determinant in your spending habits, and your chance at financial success.
5 Ways Money Buys Happiness (BFS #3)
We all think we know what makes us happy, until we realize that studies show that humans are terrible at figuring out what makes us happy. Enter consumer regret, doubt, and adaptation to make sure our happiness is worse after we spend money than it was before. Surely, there must be a way to spend money that will make us happy. Right?
Choosing the Right Asset Allocation: Avoiding Analysis Paralysis (BFS #2)
Getting started is sometimes the toughest part about investing. How do we pick the right asset allocation? What IS the right asset allocation? Behavioral Finance has something to teach us about why limiting our choices, and making things simple, is often the best way to figure it all out.
How the Framing Bias Impacts Your Financial Decisions (BFS #1)
Politicians, media, and advertisers use the framing effect every day to their advantage. Without you even knowing it. I am here to tell you that the bias imposed by the framing effect has a major impact on your financial decisions, too. Come learn how to stop doing dumb things with your money in the first post of the behavioral finance series (BFS #1).
The Behavioral Finance Series: Preventing Financial Mistakes
Have you ever wondered why people tend to make so many financial mistakes? We spend too much, save too little, and constantly serve as our own worst enemies. There is a reason for all of this, and a way that we can defeat it. Welcome to The Behavioral Finance Series where we will make you better with your decision making, your money, and even being a better doctor.
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: Mastering Happiness Economics
The relationship between money and happiness is complicated. Left to our own devices, most people just don’t get it. The sooner we understand this important relationship, the more likely we are to find that happiness we’ve been looking for. Otherwise, we’ll just saying, “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.”
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