Many doctors have asked me how to start their own business. Whether it is a blog, podcast, book, course, or a new consulting business… having a physician side gig can prove powerful in providing you the financial freedom you deserve. Click here for some tips on how to get started.
side hustle
9 Perks of Being a Side Hustle Business Owner
Having a side hustle can seem daunting, but being a business owner does provide some very real tangible benefits. Have you ever considered starting your own business? Here are 8 benefits of owning a business that may help you take the leap.
So, you want to be a medical expert witness: Part 2
This is part 2 on medical expert witness work. Part 1 was featured on White Coat Investor. So, naturally, you should read both! Part 1 focused on how to get things started. Part 2 has more information one what to do (and not do) once you accept your first case.
Why My Broke Side Hustle is Better Than Your Main Hustle
People often focus on the monetary aspect of side hustles. However, it’s not all about the money. You can find satisfaction from side hustles in other ways. I’ll walk you through five reasons you should pursue your side hustle even if it might not make money.
5 Things You Need Know Before Making an Invention
The Physician Philosopher website is geared towards helping young medical professionals and trainees, I think it’s useful to talk about ways to supplement our incomes.  After all, this really helps us build wealth more quickly. This is often done through side hustles such as locum tenens work, medical malpractice reviews, incentives, and even making an invention!
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