The following is a review of this course, which is called Fire Your Financial Advisor. The review is long, but this course includes over 6 hours worth of video and presentation information all-in-all. Want to sneak a peek? Read more to find out.
refinance student loans
Can I trust PSLF? The PSLF Side Fund
A recent area in physician personal finance that has the same dilemma, which requires the Trust, But Verify method is PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness). People often ask, “Can I trust PSLF?”  My answer? Have a back-up plan.
And trust, but verify. Let’s dig in.
Proof is in the Pudding: Live like a Resident
It’s often said, “Live like a resident during and after reisdency!” But where’s the proof that you should live like a resident after residency? Well, the proof is in the pudding. Let’s look at the ingredients to see if that math adds up.
10 Guiding Principles for Debt Management
Do you have any remaining debt? If you are like most physicians, of course you do! Here are ten guiding principles for debt management of all sorts packed into a single post.
Student Loan Advice: 7 Rules of Thumb
In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, it was determined that the number 1 cause of stress for most Americans is money. With the ever-burgeoning student loan crisis that is taking shape in this country, it is unsurprising that this is also true in the medical community. Here are 7 guiding rules to help you out.
Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt? A Case Study
Ever wondered if you should pay off your debt or invest? This case study could help. And, if it doesn’t, the step-by-step guide at the end of the post definitely will. Check it out.
Fixed versus Variable Student Loan Rates
Residents and new attendings often ask me, should I get a fixed or a variable interest rate when I refinance my student loans? This is a tough question to answer unless your mindset is right. Come check out this WCI Saturday Selection to help get you in the right mind space.
Is Being Frugal Worth it?
Making big financial decisions can be tough. Particularly during residency. Sometimes we want to take the big trip. Or buy the nicer car. Is being frugal really worth it?
When You Should Get Student Loan Help
I get emails all of the time (and in-person consults, too) about student loans. What should I do? Is this program right or is that one better? It can be a complicated mess, and sometimes we need to get help with our student loans. This post will help you figure out where you sit with your loans, and when and where to get help should you need it.
Student Loan Refinance Ladder: A Case Study
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to dealing with student loans, it seems like there is so much to learn! Come read about an awesome way to make the most of student loan refinancing through student loan refinance ladders!
How I Paid Off My Student Loans: $200,000 in 19 Months
It has been quite the journey to pay off our student loans, but we did it. Tag along as we discuss exactly how we achieved this goal (five months sooner than we anticipated).
2nd Quarterly Net Worth Update
I started blogging in November 2017. So, my first quarterly net worth update was six months out (or two quarters into being an attending anesthesiologist). How am I doing now? What goals have I achieved? Grab a drink, sit down, and come find out in the 2nd Quarterly Net Worth Update.
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