
medical student

Should I go to medical school?

Should I go to medical school?

It is a common question asked by those thinking about going into the field of medicine, “Would you go into medicine again if you did it all over?” Sometimes they ask, “Would you tell your son or daughter to go into medicine?”  Today we are going to look strictly at the financial aspect of this decision.

Should I do research? Five commonly asked questions

Given that I had the experience of thinking research was pretty worthless and then transitioned to “seeing the light,” I wanted to spend some time answering five questions that medical students often ask me regarding research:

Moderately Frugal: Wealth without Wellness

Quite possibly, this should have been my first post.  A significant portion of this blog is going to be focused on building wealth and my personal journey to get there.  Being a philosophy major in undergrad, this begs the question:  What is the purpose of obtaining wealth?

The Physician Philosopher Manifesto: A Journey to Wealth

Throughout the first thirty years of my existence I did not learn a thing about personal finance from just about anyone.  Not my parents.  Not my grandparents.  Certainly not my medical school.  I had to learn it on my own, which I found to be very frustrating.  In fact, my journey started when I noticed a book (Boglehead’s Guide to Investing) sitting on my friend’s coffee table.

Choosing the right Medical Specialty

Choosing the right Medical Specialty

I always tell students I work with the following:  You have to LOVE the good aspects about your chosen specialty and be able to PUT UP with the negative aspects. What do I mean by that?