Saving money is tough. Saving money during residency might be tougher. But is also might be more important. Join along as we discuss the importance (and benefits) behind investing during residency.
Proof is in the Pudding: Live like a Resident
It’s often said, “Live like a resident during and after reisdency!” But where’s the proof that you should live like a resident after residency? Well, the proof is in the pudding. Let’s look at the ingredients to see if that math adds up.
Creating A Personal Finance Curriculum: 5 Questions
Over the last year, I’ve created a 10-week personal finance curriculum for the 4th year med students at Wake. If you’ve ever thought about doing something similar, here are 5 questions you should ask yourself before getting started.
First Do No Harm: An Empty Cup of Expected Wellness
If we are to truly live out the “Do no harm” imperative, we must first make sure that we are not being harmed ourselves. After all, we cannot expect to replenish the empty cup of wellness our patients bring if our cup is empty, too.
Choosing the right Medical Specialty
I always tell students I work with the following:Â You have to LOVE the good aspects about your chosen specialty and be able to PUT UP with the negative aspects. What do I mean by that?
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