Investing money for your kid’s college education can be a tough choice. Should you do it at all? If you do, what’s the best way? Are there any hacks for this sort of thing? All this and more in today’s post.
529 plan
Private School During the Pandemic: Visiting an Old Debate
The age old debate of private versus public school has taken on a new wrinkle during this pandemic. Many private schools are providing in-person teaching while public schools are not. Does this new wrinkle make it worth it? How will you pay? Keep reading to find out.
How Should I Save For My Kid’s College? Plus a 529 Plan Hack
Investing money for your kid’s college education can be a tough choice. Should you do it at all? If you do, what’s the best way? Are there any hacks for this sort of thing? All this and more in today’s post.
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