
Money Meets Medicine Podcast

MMM #15: Top 10 Things Doctors Need to Know About Insurance

While disability and life insurance aren’t the sexiest topics, they may be the most important.  Particularly, when you first start out. Making sure you get the right product in place is one is paramount to both your financial success and the financial success of anyone you love.  If you want to know what’s most important when getting life and disability insurance, this episode is for you.

What You’ll Learn:

In today’s episode of Money Meets Medicine, “Top 10 Things Doctors Need to Know About Insurance,” you’re going to learn all of these helpful tips, and more:

  • My personal experience with trying to get disability insurance
  • Why it’s so important to take the right notes as a physician
  • My “listical” of the top 10 most important things to know about insurance
  • Why you have to think of others when you get your disability insurance
  • Some of the changes that are in effect during COVID
  • And more!

Quotes to Remember:

“Is there anyone else that could depend on your income that you’re helping subsidize in any way?”

“The definition of disability insurance matters more than just about anything else in a disability policy”

“When you buy disability insurance, you need to buy from an independent agent”

“You should get disability insurance BEFORE you get disabled”

“You are your best asset and you need to protect it!”

Resources from the Episode:

The Top 10 Things Doctors Need to Know About Disability Insurance

Recommended Insurance Agents

6 Disability Insurance Riders You MUST Have

Comprehensive Guide to Disability Insurance: What Every Physician Needs to Know

What is Term Life Insurance and Why Doctors Need It

7 Reasons to Purchase Disability Insurance During Residency 

This Episode’s Sponsor

Kaplan FinancialThis episode is brought to you by Robert Kaplan, CFP of Kaplan Financial which can be found at Kaplan Financial .  Robert specializes in serving the unique disability insurance needs of over 2,500 physicians nationwide.  Robert, who has been married to a practicing physician for over 25 years founded Kaplan Financial in 1990.  Kaplan Financial is the place to go for objective and experienced financial advice, discounted rates on individual disability insurance, and a long-term commitment of superior service.

So, if you are in need of disability insurance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Robert at KaplanFinancial.net or if you prefer email or phone you can email Robert at [email protected] or call him directly at 818-783-6620.

Listener Question of the Week:

Today’s listener question comes from Mike Valdez. He asks:

What are the significant impacts on taxes when transitioning from a resident to attending salary? (besides most likely the tax bracket shift).

Each episode, we are going to start including listener questions as they are provided to us.  So, if you have a specific question you’d like answered on the podcast reach out to us!  Email [email protected] or [email protected]



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